Monday, March 11, 2013


Being 2013, internationalism is inevitable. 
With all the communication platforms at our fingertips, and the plethora of information known as the World Wide Web, it is actually hard not to know what is happening on the other side of the planet. 
We have evolved from using letters and typewriters to Facebook and MySpace (if anyone actually uses MySpace anymore) 

To design something and not have some form of cultural reference is unavoidable, culture is everywhere we turn! 
In the streets, in our home! 
Even the device you are using right now to view this blog is most likely not constructed in your home country. 

And we as mammals, will breed. 
And we are now in a time where interracial breeding is the social norm. 
As the decades go on and races all over the world continue to interact, we will all be one familiar race. There will be no "yellow", "black" or "white". 
To reiterate, internationalism really is inevitable.

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